Sunday 23 November 2014

Photographer David Bailey

David Bailey is famous for cropping his photos. They are normally Black and White and taken in studios. Theyre normally under exposed. People are his centre Models.
In this photo it is cropped. The centre piece is the person and the cigarette is what draws your eye. It is a portrait. Taken in a studio. Taken on a digital camera. Black and White.
This photo is landscape. Black and white. Taken in a studio on a digital camera. The photo has been cropped at the top. The centre focus is the persons face.
This photo is an exact square. Once again in black and white. The centre point of the photo is the persons face I believe you are drawn to his eyes. This photo was taken in a studio. It has once again been cropped.
This is a landscape piece. Once again it is in black and white and taken in a studio. It has been cropped at the top. The centre point of the picture is the woman I believe your eye is led to her face and her hand.
This image in an exact square. Black and white. The person is the main focus point. Taken in a studio. It has been cropped at the top.
This image is slightly different as it isnt cropped at the top of the photo. It is black and white. Taken in a studio. Portrait and the person is the centre point of the image.

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