Thursday 20 November 2014

Graphic designer Saul Bass

This piece of work is quite abstract, it is a simple image of a feather relating to the title " The Birds".
He was a graphic designer so all of his work was created on computers.
In this work the colours are very limited and very simple.
I like this work I feel that it communicates the poster well.

The design on the left is very abstract but the design on the right is abstract and portrait.The artist has used quite serious colours orange,red and black as its quite a serious cover.
He's used a spiral image for the background as a symbol for the title VERTIGO.
It is a cover for a film. His graphic compositions in movement function as a prologue to the movie - setting the tine, providing the mood and foreshadowing the action.

A poster for Batman.
This work is portrait. He always uses a very limited colour pallet. He has exaggerated the image of batman he has made it much bigger than the city as a metaphor to the film as he is watching over the city.
I like this work as the colours are very bold and simple.

Star Wars ... return of the jedi.
This work is landscape. Simple colours again. This work has got a texture unlike the others it looks crumpled up. He has designed this for the Star Wars movies.

Another one of saul bass designs has been used for the google page. He is still using very basic colour pallets. It has no texture. It is a landscape design. He has used a greek man for the L in GOOGLE.

Here are some of the logos that Saul Bass has designed.
He is arguably the most famous graphic designer of the 20th century. All of his logos are simple with simple  colour pallets and basic designs.

I like all of Saul Bass designs they are very simple but well designed, he had a gift for making something simple extraordinary. His posters all give you a clear sign of what the film is about and all of the colours are relevant to his work.

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