Sunday 23 November 2014

Photographer Charlie Waite

Charlie Waite uses a lot of leading lines in his pieces and all have a very high depth of field. He mainly takes photographs of nature. All of them have been taken on a digital camera.

This is an exact square. It has a high depth of field. Leading lines. It has been taken on location. It is a nature shot. Its a very colourful photograph.

This is a portrait piece. It has a very high depth of field. Its colourful. It has been taken on location. Its a nature shot. It has leading lines.

This is another nature photo. This time it is black and white. It is landscape. It once again has leading lines. It has been taken on location.

This is a landscape piece. It has been taken on location. It has a high depth of field. It has colour but not that many. Its leading line are the sheep.

This is a square. It has been taken on location. Its leading line is the pathway. It has a high depth of field. It has been taken in colour.
This is a square the leading line is the path. It has been taken in black and white. It has a high depth of field. It has been taken on location .

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