Saturday 22 November 2014

Graphic Designers Kate Moross

This is an abstract piece of art. Its very colourful with various different colours. This is a fashion piece advertising the shoes in the centre of the picture.
She has used many different triangles. Its very busy with a lot going on around the shoes.

This is portrait but the background is very abstract. Shes used a lot of disney characters in the background and has used micky mouse as her inspiration for this piece. She has once again used a lot of colour for her background but the person is simply done in black and white making a great contrast. Again there are a lot of triangles in her work. This seems like another advertisement piece.

This is again abstract but the picture is exactly square. She has once again used a lot of triangles. Used multi colours but in a much simpler fashion although this piece is busy its much more organized. Shes used a  lot of geometry in this.

This is an extremely busy piece with a mixed colour pallet. Its very contemporary and very cartoon like. I believe this is an advertisement. Its very abstract the hand and some of the words have been enlarged. There are a lot of triangles in her work again.
This piece is much simple than some of her other pieces with only two colours. Its an advertisement for CADBURY. There arent as many triangles in this as in her other pieces. Its still very abstract but in a landscape shape.
This is a design for a Christmas card. She has used a lt of triangles again and a very abstract design. She has once again used her bubble writing as she has in all of her other pieces. Its a limited colour pallet with only two colours ( red and white ).

I like Kate Moross work she is very abstract and  I like her use of triangles in her work. Shes very contemporary and I like her modern work. 

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