Sunday 23 November 2014

Photographer Tom Hoops

This is a landscape picture done in black and white on a digital camera. The main focus of the picture is the woman. I believe this is a fashion piece taken in a studio.

This is a portrait image. Taken in a sepia tone. The main focus point is the woman with the water. I think it was taken in a studio on a digital camera.

This is a landscape photo taken in black and white. I believe it was taken in a studio and I think it is a fashion piece. The main focus point is the man's face.Taken on a digital camera.

This is landscape. I think it is a fashion piece. The main focus point is the woman. Its black and white. Taken on a digital camera. Taken in a studio.

This is also a fashion piece taken on location. It is in black and white. The main focus is the woman holding the cigar. It has been taken on a digital camera.

This is a portrait. Taken in a studio. The main focus is the woman. It has been taken on a digital camera in black and white. It has been taken in a studio.Fashion.

All the photos are fashion photographs taken on digital cameras and in black and white.  People are always his focus point.

Photographer Diane Arbus

This photo is square, black and white and low depth of field. Taken on location. The woman is the centre of this photo.

This photo is square black and white and low depth of field. Taken on location.The woman is the centre of this photo.

This photo is square low depth of field, taken on location. Black and white. The baby is the centre piece of this photo.

This is a portrait photo. Low depth of field. Black and white. Taken on location.  The woman is the centre of this photo.

This is a portrait photo. Black and white. Taken on location. There isnt really a centre piece in this picture. The picture is high depth of field.

This photo is square. Its low depth of field. The man is the centre piece of the photo. Black and white.Taken on location.

Theyre all black and white. All taken on location

Photographer Julia Margaret Cameron

This is a very old photograph, taken with film taken on a tripod more than likely taken on location in the ladies house.

This is a portrait piece again very old probably taken on location with a tripod with film.

This is another portrait it is slightly over exposed, taken on a tripod on location.

This is another portrait taken on location with film.

This is another portrait much darker than the others more than likely taken on location.
This photo is square its very old more than likely taken on location with a tripod and on film.

All the photos are extremely old all taken with film and on location. They are all portraits of people.

Photographer Ansel Adams.

Ansel Adams always takes his photos in black and white with a high depth of field he shows so much detail in his work it is truly beautiful.

This is a landscape photo, with high depth of field, black and white and taken on location.
This is another landscape photo, taken on location, high depth of field, black and white.
This is a close up photo of a leaf, black and white, high depth of field, taken on location.

This photo is square, taken on location, high depth of field, black and white.

This is a landscape photo taken of a close up of some rocks, high depth of field, black and white.

Photographer Charlie Waite

Charlie Waite uses a lot of leading lines in his pieces and all have a very high depth of field. He mainly takes photographs of nature. All of them have been taken on a digital camera.

This is an exact square. It has a high depth of field. Leading lines. It has been taken on location. It is a nature shot. Its a very colourful photograph.

This is a portrait piece. It has a very high depth of field. Its colourful. It has been taken on location. Its a nature shot. It has leading lines.

This is another nature photo. This time it is black and white. It is landscape. It once again has leading lines. It has been taken on location.

This is a landscape piece. It has been taken on location. It has a high depth of field. It has colour but not that many. Its leading line are the sheep.

This is a square. It has been taken on location. Its leading line is the pathway. It has a high depth of field. It has been taken in colour.
This is a square the leading line is the path. It has been taken in black and white. It has a high depth of field. It has been taken on location .

Photographer Ted Van Cleave

This is a landscape photo. Its very bright and the colours have been exposed. Taken on location. With a high depth of field.

This is another landscape picture. With very bright colours. It is a very abstract photo taken on location with a high depth of field.

Landscape with bright colours in the background. It is quite abstract taken on location with a high depth of field.

This has been edited to make the sky red its a very abstract landscape photo taken on location with a high depth of field.

This is an abstract landscape photo taken on location with a high depth of field. With very simple but bright colours.

This is a landscape photo taken on location with a high depth of field the background has been edited.

All of these pictures have very similar characteristics they have all been taken with a high depth of field and all have had editing done to make the colour brighter and clearer or changed completely. They have all been taken on location.

Photographer David Bailey

David Bailey is famous for cropping his photos. They are normally Black and White and taken in studios. Theyre normally under exposed. People are his centre Models.
In this photo it is cropped. The centre piece is the person and the cigarette is what draws your eye. It is a portrait. Taken in a studio. Taken on a digital camera. Black and White.
This photo is landscape. Black and white. Taken in a studio on a digital camera. The photo has been cropped at the top. The centre focus is the persons face.
This photo is an exact square. Once again in black and white. The centre point of the photo is the persons face I believe you are drawn to his eyes. This photo was taken in a studio. It has once again been cropped.
This is a landscape piece. Once again it is in black and white and taken in a studio. It has been cropped at the top. The centre point of the picture is the woman I believe your eye is led to her face and her hand.
This image in an exact square. Black and white. The person is the main focus point. Taken in a studio. It has been cropped at the top.
This image is slightly different as it isnt cropped at the top of the photo. It is black and white. Taken in a studio. Portrait and the person is the centre point of the image.

Graphic designer Neville Brody

This is a portrait piece. Its an album cover. Hes used quite limited colours but all different shades of the colours making it a much more colourful piece and it is all Typography.

Again this is typography and portrait its a limited colour pallet using browns and reds. This is a poster.
This is a very colourful piece he's used a lot of different colours in this work. Instead of using typography he has used dots. It is a portrait piece.

This is a cover for a magazine called the face. Neville  Brody did quite a few different pieces for this magazine. It is another portrait. And again is quite a limited colour pallet.

This is quite different from his other pieces as it is just his typography work it is a landscape piece and has many different colours in it.

This is another one of Neville Brodys pieces for THE FACE. This one is quite different to his other piece that I used as it is in black and white and is quite a serious piece. This is another portrait.

Neville Brody mostly uses portraits. He uses Typography in many different manors. His portraits are normally quite serious. But in a lot of cases he uses quite bold cases. He has a lot of diversity.