Friday 22 May 2015

Evaluation and Comparison.


David Bailey. 

 In this photo the top of his head is cropped which is a common factor in David Baileys work. The centre piece is the person but you read the cigarette first it is what draws your eye. So first I see the cigarette then I see his facial expression but mainly his eyes and the rest of his body. It is a portrait. Taken in a studio. Taken on a digital camera. Black and White. It is a very bold with its limited colour palette. This has been used because this was the artists style of photography. I don't know if it is successful or not I do not feel a great emotion towards his art work it is very simple and serious. The imagery is realistic and symmetrical. There's quite a lot of negative space in the background.

This image in an exact square. Black and white. The person is the main focus point. Taken in a studio. It has been cropped at the top. This is a more subtle black and white much more delicate, again it is a limited colour palette as he does all his photography. It is a digital photo. Realistic. It is again a very serious portrait. For me I personally see his furry hood first then his face, mainly his eyes and then his hands. Its quite symmetrical face wise. Again there is a lot of negative space in the background. This is a successful image as it is a serious portrait like David Bailey intended. 

Ted-Van Cleave

This has been edited to make the sky red its a very abstract landscape photo taken on location with a high depth of field.