Monday 2 February 2015

Graphics Typography

For my first graphics piece i decided to use spirals, using different fonts, different sizes, different opacity.

My first screen grab of  the first spiral was very basic same font and normal sized writing.

I started to use different letter size and fonts.

Here I made the opacity darker so that the font would stand out even more.

Here I started overlapping my spirals and making words stand out more than others making them capitals.

In this screen grab all the letter sizes are varied and I've made even more overlapping the others.

Here I've just added more and more with all different opacities and sizes making it a very varied image.
In my final image you can see I have just layered and layered to give it the crazy effect with all the different opacities and sizes.

I'm very happy with how this worked out, it was a simple idea that developed in to something much more complex looking and more original. I used the same lyrics throughout and it turned out well when I highlighted some of the more meaningful words making them stand out more to the on looker. 

My second Idea. 

I really like how my final rose came out  it looks very faint but I feel like it is quite a strong piece although I can not decide which one I prefer out of my two ideas.

I used the same song lyrics as before. I started off with a rose template and I wanted a very pretty and delicate writing so I chose the Lucinda Calligraphy Italic, and I chose red as I wanted it to be a classic red rose and as the song I chose was a love song I thought it would be a type of iconic image for the type of song that it is. 

I decided to stay with the same font to make it look like a continuous pattern. 

What I think could of made it better is a more simple version of a rose as where there were really small parts and odd angles it was hard to fit writing in and in some parts it didn't work at all. 

I chose the black background just as a compliment to the red and I think it makes it stand out a lot more. 


Here are a variety of different fonts that I chose from I couldn't put all of them as I used so many in my spiral piece and all different sizes and shapes but in my screen grabs you can see which fonts they were but in the rose I just used the Lucinda Calligraphy. 

My link to an artist. 


Is a British designer based in New York after finishing a foundation degree he worked his way through numerous advertising agencies. 
He currently has his own studio called Words are pictures. 
He mainly works solely in advertising.
He links to my work in these images in the first one because of the curves and different fonts and in different sizes and thickness and just the general difference in each sentence although they are not spirals they are still in odd curves and swirls.
In the second image he has used the words to create a shape such as I did with my rose he also used a bright red the same as I did. 

Image result for craig ward workImage result for craig ward work