Monday 20 October 2014

Day of the dead ( Dia de los muertos )

The skulls are decorative creations to celebrate dia de los muertos, to respect those who have passed they use bright colours and wonderful symmetrical patterns to create these unique sugar skulls.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Depth of field ( Definition and examples )

Depth of field(DOF)
is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph. To define depth of field as the zone of sharpest focus in front of, behind, and around the subject on which, when lens is focused on a specific subject . Depth of field increases with distance. The farther you place the camera from your subject, the more depth of field you can obtain. Landscapes have great depth of field, while macro photographs tend to have very little depth of field because the subject is so close to the lens. Depth of field is governed by three factors: aperture, lens focal length and shooting distance.
*The smaller the aperture, the deeper the depth of field
*The shorter the lens focal length, the deeper the depth of field
*The greater the shooting distance, the deeper the depth of field. .
Another characteristic of depth of field is that it is generally deeper in the background than in the foreground.



Leading Lines

Leading lines are lines within an image that leads the eye to another point in the image, or occasionally, out of the image. Anything with a definite line can be a leading line. This is a line that usually begins at the bottom of the composition and extends into the heart of the scene, bringing with it our eye. This line can take many forms.  Fences, bridges, even a shoreline can lead the eye. If can pair leading lines with a subject that is placed according to the rule of thirds your image should be very strong.

In my first example the leading line in the peer going out in to the water.

In my second example the leading line is the yellow lines painted in the road.

In my third and final example the leading line is the wood leading up to the child sat down.

Rule of thirds ( definition and photos )

The rule of thirds involves dividing up the image using two horizontal lines and two vertical lines. Then  position the important elements in your scene along those lines, or at the points where they meet.
When framing a photo, imagine the scene divided up as below. Think about what elements of the photo are most important, and try to position them at or near the lines and intersections of the grid.
Such as if you are taking a portrait of someone, the top line should be along the eyes as that is the main focus of the photo.
First example.
Or if you are taking a photo of a landscape then one of the horizontal lines needs to be on the horizon.
My second example shows that the horizon is on the second horizontal line.
 My third example shows that the lines meet on the eye.